Announcement of CCIT New Logo

Introducing Brand CCIT

We are proud to announce the launch of the new logo as part of the ongoing evolution of our brand - CCIT.
The new logo symbolizes our focus on cloud solutions as the central pillar to bring about digital business transformation. Also, the elements inside cloud image display our strong association with Microsoft as the Cloud Solutions provider. The letters CCIT defines who we are

C - Cloud Solutions Provider
C - Consulting Partner
I - Intelligent Platforms
T - Team of Professionals

cocoon IT Services Logo_CMYK-03 (1)CocoonIT Services Logo

Our professional profile has grown and evolved over the last 8 years, and now it is time for a change. We have changed our logo to reflect who we are today and to symbolize our dynamic future.

The new logo symbolizes our focus on cloud solutions as the central pillar to bring about digital business transformation. Also, the elements inside cloud image display our strong association with Microsoft as the Cloud Solutions provider.

Special thanks to Team Business Karma Marketing for conceptualizing and designing new logo of CCIT.