Distribution Industry in India


Discusses the distribution network within the country from how products enter to final destination, including reliability and condition of distribution mechanisms, major distribution centers, ports, etc.
There has been a significant expansion in distribution channels in India in recent years. Indian retail market, which stood at $672 billion in 2017, is projected to grow to $1.1 trillion by 2021. The total number of retail distribution outlets in the country is estimated at over 12 million, mostly family owned businesses. An annual growth rate for the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector is predicted at 10-12 percent during the next 10 years.


  • Manual handling and safety
  • Manual Processes
  • Reporting
  • Order volume and complexity is increasing
  • Faster processes mean more mistakes
  • Inventory Management
  • Data Redundancy and Errors
  • Disconnected Systems

CocoonIT Solution and Consulting for Distribution Industry:

Managing the above challenges as a small company may be doable at first, however in order to help your business grow, eventually, each challenge will need to be properly addressed. CocoonIT Solution provides consulting in software for your business in the best ERP system. In addition, many vendors now offer both hosted and on-premises solutions which provide options that can help make the investment more affordable.

Eliminate Data Redundancy and Errors:

Data repetition and errors are a common sight when you use different software to deal with such data. With an ERP integrated to your distribution business, you can get rid of such inefficiencies and manage your business better by having complete visibility of all your procedures and operations.

Increased Revenue Growth:

Since an ERP is integrated with your business, most of your sales and revenue data are readily available and are updated in real-time. With this information, you can get a deep understanding of business revenue. You will be in a better position to identify and manage cost variances. You will also be able to allocate financial, human, and operational resources better. This will eventually lead to rewarding outcomes such as an upward revenue growth, business expansions, better-paid employees, etc

Improved Inventory Management:

An ERP system can save you precious time and money by eliminating the daunting task of manually process inventory management. Automated inventory management capabilities can improve your management processes by allowing end users to track and manage data across multiple warehouses – giving you real-time visibility to current inventory in transit and costs.

Organized business modules:

ERP software solution comprises of easy to use business modules, which simplifies challenges hospitality managers come across. Purchase, HR, Inventory and Finance, etc. are few of those proficient modules of ERP software solution, which can create all hotel industry processes appear to be a cakewalk.